Beng's Curriculum Vitae

Photo of Beng, warts and all

Name: Mr. Beng Yong Tang
Nationality: Singaporean
Date of Birth: 1st October 1971
Address: 93 Lenton Manor, Lenton, Nottingham NG7 2FP, ENGLAND
Telephone: +44 (0)115 924 4386
Email: [email protected]
Home Address:
(after June 1999)
94 Gardenia Road, Singapore 578867, SINGAPORE
Telephone: +65 459 4046
Email: [email protected]


Oct 1997 - Dec 1998
Informatics (formerly ICL) Institute of Information Technology, University of Nottingham:
I have just completed an MSc in Information Technology (Software Engineering specialisation).
My MSc dissertation was on the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the management of water resources. As an example of a water management application, the dissertation showed how GIS could help to locate possible sources of water pollution in rivers and lakes. My choice of topic was inspired by the Sydney Water Crisis and the news that the world is facing a water shortage crisis (for example, see this and this).
Other subjects I have studied are:

Oct 1993 - Jul 1996
Department of Life Science (now School of Biological Sciences), University of Nottingham:
BSc Behavioural Science, with 2(i) honours. Behavioural Science is like a joint honours in Psychology and Zoology. My second year dissertation was on how animals learn predator avoidance behaviour, especially when novel predators are introduced into their environment, and how they learn it from other members of their own species. My final year project was about the effects of short term fasting on cognitive performance.

Jul 1992 - Jul 1993
Faculty of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge, Singapore:
After coming out of full-time national service (see below), I did one year of medical studies but did not do well at it and decided to change course to Behavioural Science (see above).

Jan 1988 - Dec 1989
National Junior College, Singapore
Four Cambridge GCE 'A' Levels in: Biology (B), Physics (B), Chemistry (B), Maths (C). Special Paper in Biology (2). Two 'AO' Levels in General Paper (A2) and French (A1). My extra-curricular activities included debating in the English Language Drama and Debating Society, playing in the Guitar Society, and running cross country.

Jan 1984 - Dec 1987
Raffles Institution, Singapore
Nine Cambridge GCE 'O' Levels in: Biology, Physics, Chemistry, English, French, English Literature, Bible Knowledge, Maths, Additional Maths. Got 4 A1's, 4 A2's and a B3.

1982 - Dec 1983
Ai-Tong Primary School, Singapore:
Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE)

1980 - 1981
Ellel St. John's Church of England School, Galgate, Lancashire, England:
Spent 2 years here because my parents were at the University of Lancaster.

1977-1979, 1981 - 1982
Seventh-day Adventist School, Singapore

Work Experience

19 Dec 1989 - 18 Jun 1992
2½ years full-time compulsory National Service in the Singapore Army. After 3 months of Basic Military Training at the School of Basic Military Training, I was trained as a Storeman Tech-Comms Class I at the Ordnance Engineering Training Institute, and held a Company Quartermaster Sergeant (CQMS) appointment at another unit.

Oct 1996 - Jul 1997
Did a year's unpaid voluntary work, between my undergrad and postgrad degrees, in the Southwell Diocesan Volunteer Scheme, which is run by the Social Responsibility office of the Anglican Diocese of Southwell. Worked at Manna Farm (a drug rehabilitation centre) and West Area Parents (a day centre for adults with learning disabilities), both in Nottinghamshire.

Other Experience

1998 Part-Time Teaching / Research Assistant in the Informatics (formerly ICL) Institute of IT:
My duties included assisting with the teaching of computer lab sessions, helping to prepare coursework and lesson materials, and marking coursework (for the Introduction to IT and Spatial Information Systems modules), searching the web for data and information, assisitng with the preparation of research applications, creating and maintaining various websites, and maintenance and installation of software and hardware in the Institute's computers.

1996 - 1997 Bookstall / Librarian, Nottingham University Christian Union:
I ran the bookstall and library for the CU.

1995 - 1996 Website and e-mail mailing list for the Nottingham University Christian Union:
I established the first website of the Nottingham University Christian Union, thus giving them a presence on the world wide web. I got their web site listed in all the major web search engines and in lists of British CU websites and on lists of Christian web resources. I also established an e-mail mailing list to help them disseminate weekly information about their many activities to their members and friends. This replaced a system of spreading news by word of mouth and printed paper. Both the website and the mailing list system are still in use to this day (but the only parts of the present website left over from the one I made are the scanned photos and the web counter).

In 1997, I was awarded the Union Prize by the University of Nottingham Union for distinguished service to the student body, for my services to the CU and my hall of residence.

1995 - 1996 Librarian / Computer Rep on the Rutland Hall Junior Common Room Committee:
I was elected to serve on the JCR committee of my University hall of residence as Librarian / Computer Rep. My duties included administering the hall library and computers and helping out with various JCR activities.

1991 - 1993 Youth Coordinator, Balestier Road Seventh-day Adventist Church, Singapore:
After serving as a Youth Sabbath School director for a year, I became the Youth Coordinator for my church, and helped to coordinate the various activities of the youth department there. I also represented the youth of the church on the loacl church board.


The only language which I speak fluently is English, my mother tongue. However, I know some French and a little Mandarin and Hokkien, and am trying to learn Old Testament Hebrew and Polish in my spare time.

Other activities / interests

I take part in church activities, and was a youth leader in my church in Singapore before I came to the UK for university. I am currently a member of the Nottingham University Christian Union.

Other interests include learning languages, writing letters, classical guitar, nature photography, and reading (about theology, history, and nature). I am interested in nature and used to keep a large variety of animals as pets, from ant lions to walking catfish to pythons. I enjoy rambling and walking. I am also interested in computers, and used to go round to sort out hardware and software problems for friends and acquaintances. I was also once an assistant Sysop on ACT BBS, a computer Bulletin Board System in Singapore.


I have no health problems. I am a vegetarian, don't drink or smoke, and am a regular blood donor.

Academic Referees

Dr Tarek Shalaby
ICL Institute of IT
University of Nottingham
Nottingham NG7 2RD
Tel: (0115) 9515544
Email: [email protected]
Mr Chris Gilbert
ICL Institute of IT
University of Nottingham
Nottingham NG7 2RD
Tel: (0115) 9513357
Email: [email protected]

Web Page by Beng Yong Tang
Last Updated 05/05/99